Blog Posts
Parenting in the Technology Age: What Worked For Us & What Didn't
I'll never forget this one time when we were cleaning out a closet and we stumbled across an old VHS tape rewinder. My oldest asked what it was and of course I explained. He simply could not grasp the concept that you had to have a totally separate device to rewind a movie and could not just go to a menu screen. Another time I was trying to explain dial-up internet. Again, the concept that the internet wasn't just immediately available in the palm of his hand seemed completely foreign. I don't share those examples to make us feel old, I share those examples to illustrate that whether we like it or not, technology is so engrained in our children's lives these days.
Book Reviews: Summer '21 Edition
As some of you may know, I am in the process of trying to get a book published. Obviously a big part of that process was actually sitting down to write my book. I worked with a writing coach and was told early on that I needed to be reading as much as I am writing. This was an adjustment as I normally only averaged 1-2 books per year. I'm proud to say I've gotten much better and am able to read a book every couple months or so. Even with that progress, I have to admit I was a little nervous when I found myself signed up for not one, not two, but three book clubs over the Summer!
Butler County Farm to Fork Tour + Dinner
If you follow me on social media at all then you probably saw a series of posts from the Butler County Farm to Fork Tour and dinner that Dean and I recently went on. It was such a jam packed day that I have even more content I'd like to share with you! First, this was the 6th Annual Farm to Fork event. The event is a fundraiser for "Ag in the Classroom" in Butler County and hosted by the Butler County Farm Bureau Association. We were also joined by Kansas Farm Bureau board members and administrators. I learned on the tour that the KFB is a group that helps Kansas farm families through advocacy, education, and service.
Our Home & Farm Pallet Wood Designs!
If you're on Pinterest or follow home design trends at all, then you know that pallet wood projects are hugely popular. Pallets are just so versatile! You can simply leave them in their pallet form and paint them as a decor piece. Or you can disassemble them and use the wood for countless projects. This is typically what we do. My family and I happen to have a really good hook up with consistent, large pallets. If you're looking for the hook up, I suggest searching online on sites like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. You can also simply drive around your town looking for places that have pallets out by their dumpster. Many times you can approach that business about taking their pallets off their hands! If you're feeling really brave, you can ask that they call you going forward anytime they have pallets. Hook up secured!
Sponsored Post: Why I Love Fabletics ;-)
Note: This is a sponsored post meaning Fabletics will most likely compensate me for this review. Also, if you click through the links and make a purchase or sign up to be a VIP, I will get a small kickback. Thank you for your support!
Life Lessons From My Favorite Christmas Movies!
Have you seen that post that says something along the lines of, "before you get married find out if your husband's family is the type to have movie marathons during the holidays or the type to run actual marathons"? It's a fair warning. I can totally see how the two categories of families might not be compatible. Funny enough, my husband's family plays a football game every Thanksgiving and my family has a few movies we just HAVE to watch every Christmas. It seems to work for us!
My Favorite Resale Shops!
My family and I have worked hard this year to produce less day-to-day waste. We have eliminated all paper products from our kitchen and use significantly less plastic whenever we can. With sustainability a goal in mind, I was appalled to find out that Americans throw out something like 15 million tons of textiles a year, with most of that being clothing. While 100% of clothing is recyclable, only 15% of clothing is actually recycled. At the same time, Americans are buying an average of 60% new clothing every year. Simply put, we're buying more but recycling less clothing than ever.
Why I'm Still Obsessed With The 90s-00s!
Listen to podcast episode here!
Whenever someone asks, "what kind of music do you like?" I used to give the old line, "oh you know, all kinds!"
Well that's a total lie and I am here to admit the truth.
I pretty much exclusively listen to exactly two genres: 90s Boy Bands and Worship music.
10 Life Lessons I Learned From "The Hills"
Listen to podcast episode here!
If you are a girl in your early 30s like me, then you likely were at just the right age to watch "Laguna Beach" on MTV, which morphed into following Lauren Conrad on her coming of age journey to Los Angeles on "The Hills." I used to watch the show on cable religiously. One time my sister heard me yelling at one of the main characters Heidi on screen and later asked me who this Heidi person was I hated so much. It was that real to me! Also, it's no secret that Lauren Conrad is still a major inspiration to me. I recently re-watched "The Hills" on Hulu and wrote down all the life lessons that stuck with me and even some I didn't pick up on when I was younger. I hope you enjoy reminiscing on this sweet time in T.V. history with me or that you pick up a few helpful tips to be successful in life!
Everyone Loves A Good Character Arc: Rachel vs. Monica
This may come as no big surprise to you, but I am big fan of the tv show "Friends." I remember waiting for and watching new episodes every Thursday night (back when weeknight tv show schedules were a big deal). When it was on Netflix, I watched all 10 seasons all the way through at least twice. I know it is the most basic millennial obsession, but it's both entertaining and comforting to me (and a lot of other fans). My husband and I often talk about how if "Friends" were on television for the first time right now - instead of back in the 90s - that we don't think it would be as widely accepted as it is. Certainly there are story lines, topics, catchphrases, and even whole characters that are problematic in our current society. That being said, I don't like the show any less! I appreciate it for what it was and for the timeframe in society that it represents.
Bible Study Review: Finding God Faithful by Kelly Minter
Every Wednesday for the past 8 weeks or so, a group of ladies from my church has been gathering to go through "Finding God Faithful: A Study On The Life Of Joseph" by Kelly Minter. I have to admit that when this study was first picked, I was not super excited to focus in on Joseph; a patriarch whose story I thought I was already very familiar with. However, I quickly learned there were so many subtle lessons packed away in Joseph's life that I had previously missed. These lessons I've found are not only extremely helpful in my daily life, but more importantly have brought me closer to Jesus. I was absolutely overwhelmed at all the parallels between Joseph's life and Jesus' life. I had simply never noticed it before. My poor women's group is probably so sick of hearing me nerd out about it, so I decided to write an extra blog post this month to share my notes with you!
Wichita Adventures: Local Wineries
Last month I finally got to write a love letter to one of my favorite cities (Las Vegas) and this month I get to write about another great love of mine... wine!
Vegas Momcation: New Year's Eve 2020!
I have long wanted to write a love letter to Las Vegas and now I just so happen to have a blog due at the same time that I am fresh off a trip, so here we go! Vegas is easily one of my favorite places on Earth. There is just an exciting, electric energy about this bustling, colorful, historic city in the dessert that I can't help but gravitate towards. It is not uncommon to see visitors from all walks of life and every continent, speaking every language imaginable. Whatever is entertainment to you - shopping, gambling, shows - you can just about find it all in Las Vegas! We lived close by when I was younger so I have some early memories of the Treasure Island pirate show, going to the games at Excalibur, and I even went to the Siegfried & Roy white tiger show one time.
My Thoughts On "A Simple Favor"
I was just chatting with another mom the other night about how there is a point in time where you simply miss out on movies. Your kids are a certain age or your life is in a certain stage where having the time to grab dinner and movie is all of a sudden complicated. You have to arrange child care and practically double your date night budget because of it. On the off chance that you do get to go to a movie, it absolutely sucks when the movie turns out to be bad.
Handmade Holiday Gift Guide - 2019!
Over the years, I have come to really appreciate handmade gifts. Both giving and receiving them. It is such a warm feeling knowing that someone took the time to make something just for you and that there is not another piece out there exactly like it. Also, I know my purchase with a small artisan will go further and mean more than with any store. This season, I invite you to sit back, shop, and share these great #handmadeholiday gift options from some friends of mine!
Derby Adventures: Summer Edition
The weather has officially turned cooler, my leggings, boots, and scarves have all come out to play, and the calendar is pending dates at the pumpkin patch and other Fall festivals. With Fall already here, I would be remiss if I did not take some time to share about our fun filled Summer in Derby. Derby is a beautiful exburb of Wichita that is the closest town to our farm. This Summer I got to put my marketing hat back on for a bit and help the Derby Recreation Commission part time. My kids were ecstatic that Mom was going to be working because that meant no Summer homeschool! Since it's only our second Summer here in Derby, we felt like we had the ultimate insider's guide to some really exciting Summer activities.
The Enneagram 6ness Of Me!
I keep a running list of possible blog topics on my phone. When it’s time to pick there is typically one shouting out at me. This month however I could not decide between a handful of topics. I decided to ask my social media followers to vote on a topic. It came down to a close race between family budgeting tips and the enneagram. I am not quite ready to give budgeting advice so I am going to share with you my enneagram journey so far.
Navigating Adult Friendships
Guys, making new friends as an adult is hard. Making new friends as a wife and mother is even harder. I have stayed in toxic friendships for years because it honestly felt easier than cultivating new friendships. In the past, my husband and I struggled to find even just one couple we could both connect with and that was in the same life stage as us. And what about once you’ve made a new friend? Once the “honeymoon stage” has worn off and you’re dealing with real life issues, how do you navigate the complexities of keeping a friendship?
Why (Still) Homeschool?
A couple days ago Instagram reminded me about a blog post I wrote exactly one year ago called, "Why Homeschool?" In that blog post I wrote about why we decided to homeschool our oldest, our first homeschool convention experience, and explained how we use Monarch online curriculum. Since then, we've decided to homeschool our youngest and I have attended another Teaching Parents Association (TPA) Convention.
How To: Use Canva & LinkedIn
Recently I have started volunteering with a new non-profit in Wichita called Work 4 A Living. They are currently located inside City Life Church downtown and they work to "empower people with the job skills and entrepreneurial skills to support themselves and their families." I came in a couple times to take headshots for the class and I thought it was really awesome that the program thought to offer that. I have written before about the importance of social media and your personal brand - and my #1 tip is to have a good photo of yourself in place!