Why (Still) Homeschool?

A couple days ago Instagram reminded me about a blog post I wrote exactly one year ago called, "Why Homeschool?" In that blog post I wrote about why we decided to homeschool our oldest, our first homeschool convention experience, and explained how we use Monarch online curriculum. Since then, we've decided to homeschool our youngest and I have attended another Teaching Parents Association (TPA) Convention.

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Why Homeschool?

If you follow me on Social Media then you know that last month our family attended our first ever homeschool convention. Big thanks to the Teaching Parents Association of Wichita for hosting a great event. By far the most impactful thing for me was seeing that the overwhelming majority of homeschool families are doing so to glorify God - and raise children that will do the same. While this was not the original reason we chose to homeschool, it will absolutely keep us going.

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