Why (Still) Homeschool?


Do you ever have so much in your head that you're not even sure in what order things will come out? Well that is me today, so bear with me!

A couple days ago Instagram reminded me about a blog post I wrote exactly one year ago called, "Why Homeschool?" In that blog post I wrote about why we decided to homeschool our oldest, our first homeschool convention experience, and explained how we use Monarch online curriculum. Since then, we've decided to homeschool our youngest and I have attended another Teaching Parents Association (TPA) Convention.

When it came to choosing a preschool curriculum, I really wanted something low key. I didn't want buckets of workbooks or to choose different curriculums for different subjects. We are used to the all in one curriculum style like Monarch. We would have started our preschooler on Monarch but for good reason, it only starts in 3rd grade.

Let me tell you, I was SO nervous about teaching my preschooler! My middle schooler had a few years of public school as a base, so he at least understood testing, grading, etc. Luckily, I have a handful of friends that teach elementary levels and they assured me there are ample amounts of tools available for teaching littles. "Just check Pinterest," they said.Alpha Omega Publications (AOP) provides Monarch online and when I received their yearly catalog I was pleased to find out they also offer other types of Christian homeschool curriculums including computer based, student led, and workbook based. Their catalog and our ongoing relationship with AOP is what ultimately led us to Horizons workbook based curriculum for our preschooler.

In Horizon's preschool complete curriculum set you get two student workbooks, two teacher's guides, a resource packet, a sing along music CD, and a multimedia set. The curriculum covers bible, history, language, math, and science - just like Monarch. We are hoping that come 3rd grade it will make for an easy transition. My kiddo and I worked for one hour a day on our workbooks. Just look how happy he was to finish preschool! This week we got our kindergarten complete curriculum set in the mail and Warren is equally as excited to start his next year!

The kind folks at AOP are currently doing a giveaway. All you have to do to enter is share this blog post and like their Facebook page. I do hope you will enter the giveaway and join me on the Horizons adventure!

2019 TPA Convention - Life's Greatest Work

This was my second year to attend the annual TPA convention. I was there in a slightly different capacity as I am now on their social media team. I love covering live events on social media and primarily worked their Instagram account. If you aren't following them yet, head on over to see some of my favorite speakers, quotes, and vendors!

Here are some more highlights from my notebook:

  • "The key to successful teaching is love." - Andrew Pudewa

  • "Passion can override doubts and fears." - Connie Albers

  • "There isn't a greater role than shaping children." - Connie Albers

  • "If I can't stop to serve you, my life is too busy." - Monica Irvine

  • "Fun should not be left over time." - Monica Irvine

  • "We are all in a different season, know your season and live in it." - Connie Albers

  • "Grumbling can cause others to join you in sin, but gratitude becomes contagious."- Naomi Gundersen

  • "Only God can make your garden and children grow, you are only responsible for your obedience." - Israel Wayne

The highlight of the entire conference for me was meeting social media maven and brand new author, Connie Albers. She had two keynote sessions and was truly inspiring. She has a book out now called "Parenting Beyond The Rules" that I highly suggest for anyone embarking on parenting through the teenage years.Some of my favorite pieces of practical advice from Connie:

  • Have family goals - as an example, her family's goals are to love God, do life together, and have a heart for the community. How awesome is that?

  • Trust His word -  but in order to trust it, you have got to actually be in it.

  • At night instead of reviewing the day's failures ask God, "what is my assignment for tomorrow?" I've changed my nighttime prayer routine to this and it has truly given more clarity for the next day.

  • Plant possibilities - keep track of your kid's interests and successes. This will come in handy when it is time to help them plan for their future.

Thanks again to the TPA board, volunteers, the rest of the social media team, all the speakers, vendors, and of course especially to Connie for your time last month!

What was your favorite piece of advice from my notes? Comment below!

XO - Olivia


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