Splitting A Bee Hive & Bringing Home Bees!

I am not exactly sure when I decided I wanted to keep bees someday. I do remember when I first learned about how important bees are to our food system. Without bees, we would likely lose entire links to the food chain. Our precious earth would struggle even more to feed all of its inhabitants. As scary as that is, and even with as long as we've known it, we are still managing to kill off the bee population in droves. Between pesticides, pollution, and even construction - these busy beauties are having a hard time. If keeping a hive on my land could help keep up their population numbers and help pollinate my crops, then why not?

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Our Home & Farm Pallet Wood Designs!

If you're on Pinterest or follow home design trends at all, then you know that pallet wood projects are hugely popular. Pallets are just so versatile! You can simply leave them in their pallet form and paint them as a decor piece. Or you can disassemble them and use the wood for countless projects. This is typically what we do. My family and I happen to have a really good hook up with consistent, large pallets. If you're looking for the hook up, I suggest searching online on sites like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. You can also simply drive around your town looking for places that have pallets out by their dumpster. Many times you can approach that business about taking their pallets off their hands! If you're feeling really brave, you can ask that they call you going forward anytime they have pallets. Hook up secured!

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Advice, How To Advice, How To

All My Best Gardening Tips From A Non-Expert Gardener!

Every Spring I get at least a couple messages from friends or online acquaintances asking me their gardening or chickening questions. I love getting these messages, so keep them coming! I figured that more people probably have those same questions, so I thought I'd compile all my best gardening tips into one nice post. Maybe you're just curious, maybe you haven't gotten up the courage to message me your burning gardening question, or maybe you've always wanted a garden but have no idea where to start. Either way, I hope reading about what I am doing helps you in some way.

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Advice, Favorites, How To Advice, Favorites, How To

My Favorite Resale Shops!

My family and I have worked hard this year to produce less day-to-day waste. We have eliminated all paper products from our kitchen and use significantly less plastic whenever we can. With sustainability a goal in mind, I was appalled to find out that Americans throw out something like 15 million tons of textiles a year, with most of that being clothing. While 100% of clothing is recyclable, only 15% of clothing is actually recycled. At the same time, Americans are buying an average of 60% new clothing every year. Simply put, we're buying more but recycling less clothing than ever.

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How To: Build Your Best Social Media Team Ever

Listen to podcast episode here!

It has been a while since I have shared any marketing or entrepreneur advice, so this month I am sharing with you how to build your best social media team EVER! I have combined professional advice that I have given to three different organizations into one master plan for you. We will go over content planning as well as the main roles that I believe are important to a well run social media team.

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How To: Family Budgeting Tips

If you are connected with me on social media (or read last month's post) then you know that I had a hard time choosing a topic. I took a poll and a handful of people asked to hear my tips on family budgeting. In all honesty, this was the last thing I wanted to write about. It was on the list because my husband and I had just revamped how we do our monthly finances. At that same time, a close friend of mine also reached out needing a tool to help her and her husband plan each month. Once I knew that so many of you wanted advice in this area, I started asking my close friends and family how they run the finances in their households. I've compiled the best advice and have linked to our favorite tools below!

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Downloads, How To Downloads, How To

How To: Get 4 Meals From 1 Chicken!

As some of you know, a big passion for my family and I is food freedom. What I mean by that is connecting what you eat with what you believe. We believe in God's perfect design for our world. We believe in the right to grow and consume your own food, free of man's interference. About a year and half ago we moved onto 20 acres. So far we have raised our own veggies, fruits, chickens, and even a pig. One of my greatest joys is creating a meal with items from our farm.

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How To: Use Canva & LinkedIn

Recently I have started volunteering with a new non-profit in Wichita called Work 4 A Living. They are currently located inside City Life Church downtown and they work to "empower people with the job skills and entrepreneurial skills to support themselves and their families." I came in a couple times to take headshots for the class and I thought it was really awesome that the program thought to offer that. I have written before about the importance of social media and your personal brand - and my #1 tip is to have a good photo of yourself in place!

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How To: Start A Blog

Last month I went home to Texas to visit some of my very best girlfriends in the whole world. While I was visiting, three different girlfriends told me that they had thought about starting a blog at some point. One girl is a millennial marketing student getting ready to conquer the world, one girl is a busy wife and mommy running her own business, one girl is a top notch nurse balancing work and family. I don't know about you, but I would love to read about even just one day in the life of any of those fascinating ladies.

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