Blog Posts

Book Reviews: Summer '21 Edition

As some of you may know, I am in the process of trying to get a book published. Obviously a big part of that process was actually sitting down to write my book. I worked with a writing coach and was told early on that I needed to be reading as much as I am writing. This was an adjustment as I normally only averaged 1-2 books per year. I'm proud to say I've gotten much better and am able to read a book every couple months or so. Even with that progress, I have to admit I was a little nervous when I found myself signed up for not one, not two, but three book clubs over the Summer!

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Bible Bible

My Thoughts On Social Media & The Bible

Listen to podcast episode here!

I have to admit that one of my least favorite sermon topics is when the speaker talks about how inherently evil social media is. Reasons typically cited are how much social media distracts us from "real life," or the amount of negativity typically being posted. While those things can be true, I simply don't believe social media to be as evil as it is portrayed. I have been on Facebook since 2006 and have worked in social media since 2013. Since that time, I have seen just as many positive stories and outcomes because of social media as negative. I believe that social media is simply a communication tool that can be used for good or bad, depending on the user. I've seen social media work wonders as far as giving people a sense of community and connection. But I've also seen social media lend it's hand to making people feel divided and isolated. It's all in how you are using it. What are your posts cultivating?

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Bible, Favorites Bible, Favorites

Bible Study Review: Finding God Faithful by Kelly Minter

Every Wednesday for the past 8 weeks or so, a group of ladies from my church has been gathering to go through "Finding God Faithful: A Study On The Life Of Joseph" by Kelly Minter. I have to admit that when this study was first picked, I was not super excited to focus in on Joseph; a patriarch whose story I thought I was already very familiar with. However, I quickly learned there were so many subtle lessons packed away in Joseph's life that I had previously missed. These lessons I've found are not only extremely helpful in my daily life, but more importantly have brought me closer to Jesus. I was absolutely overwhelmed at all the parallels between Joseph's life and Jesus' life. I had simply never noticed it before. My poor women's group is probably so sick of hearing me nerd out about it, so I decided to write an extra blog post this month to share my notes with you!

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Advice, Bible, Favorites Advice, Bible, Favorites

The Enneagram 6ness Of Me!

I keep a running list of possible blog topics on my phone. When it’s time to pick there is typically one shouting out at me. This month however I could not decide between a handful of topics. I decided to ask my social media followers to vote on a topic. It came down to a close race between family budgeting tips and the enneagram. I am not quite ready to give budgeting advice so I am going to share with you my enneagram journey so far.

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Navigating Adult Friendships

Guys, making new friends as an adult is hard. Making new friends as a wife and mother is even harder. I have stayed in toxic friendships for years because it honestly felt easier than cultivating new friendships. In the past, my husband and I struggled to find even just one couple we could both connect with and that was in the same life stage as us. And what about once you’ve made a new friend? Once the “honeymoon stage” has worn off and you’re dealing with real life issues, how do you navigate the complexities of keeping a friendship?

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Advice, Bible Advice, Bible

Journey of an Anxious Christian

Do you know those parts in the bible when they say: be anxious for nothing; let your heart not be troubled; trust in the Lord; and fear not for I am with you? I had always thought those words to be meant to comfort me in times in times of struggle. However, when I found myself with a full blown anxiety disorder, I looked to the church for guidance and was surprised at the response. In short, I was told that being anxious was a sin because it meant that I was not trusting in the Lord.

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