My Personal Redemption Story

I recently did a bible study through If:Gathering called, “Redeemed.” This study was all about looking at how God has impacted your life, writing it out, and sharing a story that will glorify God. So, here goes…

My redemption story starts with early identity crises, continues with seeking worldly acceptance, and ends with the unconditional love of God.

My Mom met my Dad when I was 6 years old. I remember their first date, their wedding, and the day my Dad adopted me. It was not until another child at school told me that wasn’t normal that I started to be insecure about my origins. A feeling that would sit with me for a long time.

Throughout middle school, high school, and college a lot of my actions can be explained simply: I just wanted to be accepted.

Eventually I grew up and stopped caring what others thought, but around that same time I became an entrepreneur. This began another chapter of feeling like I constantly needed to prove myself and “win.” This proved to be a lifestyle that was not healthy for myself, my marriage, or my family.

I suffer from anxiety that manifests itself in anger towards those closest to me. It’s something I must work on every day, but it is so much easier to handle when I stop and listen to God first.

Recently, listening to God lead my family in a totally new direction. I find my life changed because my motivation and hope now come directly from God. Each day I try to be a better version of myself. I am leading a calmer, simpler life with much less stress and worry. I am free!

Bonus Stories

I initially came to faith as a child and my early reactions to the gospel were that it was just on paper, it had no bearing on real life, and that I still needed to fix anything that was broken in my life.

I found my faith growing deeper each time God carried me through a major life change. For example, I will never forget when my Aunt Chari and Uncle Kelly gave me a bible for my high school graduation. I thought it was silly, but somehow that bible ended up in my dorm room. When freshman year brought major heartache, I was literally pulled to the scripture. I still use that bible and it continues to pull me in deeper every day.

My attitude toward God started to change when I realized that my identity is in him and him alone. The first time I heard the worship song “Good, Good, Father” changed my life. It was the first time I realized that the dynamic of my family of origin did not matter. God is my father, he loves me no matter what, and even when I don’t understand it - he is perfect in all his ways. For the first time, I felt whole.

It is my prayer that everyone feel whole, that everyone feel accepted, and that everyone know the unrelenting love of God. I would love to hear your thoughts or even better, your story! 

XO - Olivia

Update - looking back I think this bible study had a hand in inspiring my book, Crooked Paths Straight.


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