Bible Studies: Where To Start and How To Keep Going

I've been on somewhat of a spiritual journey over the past year or so. It all started with a personal challenge during Lent of 2015. I was raised Catholic and my husband Methodist. At the time, neither one of us were really connecting with our current denominations. I was determined to find a new church home for my family. I posted on Facebook asking for church suggestions and told my husband, "if we have to visit a different church every Sunday then that's what we're going to do." As luck would have it, we visited River City Vineyard Community Church one time and never really looked back.

Soon after we started attending RCV, I was invited to a women's bible study group. Every anxious part of my being said "no way." But, before I knew it I had signed up for two studies and big gathering. Looking back, I know that was the Holy Spirit at work. My first piece of advice for anyone looking to understand their faith or the bible better is to simply say "yes!" I felt so out of my element at that first study, and still do sometimes, but the revelations and friendships I have gained over time far outweigh those nerves.

My second piece of advice for anyone struggling to continue on in their studies comes from Colossians 2:6-7, "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." I know that if you open your heart to just one study or group, you will be given moments of clarity that will only strengthen the more you get to know your bible.

One of my favorite bible study tools is If:Equip from If:Gathering. They almost always have a free study going on. You can order their beautiful study books or just follow along! You can also sign up daily emails during the studies or even monthly “conversation cards” to go over with your friends at an If:Table each month. I used to host If:Tables and they really are a sweet and anointed time.


Update: our move to Kansas obviously took us away from River City Vineyard. It was extremely hard to leave that community and even harder to find a new church home in Wichita. We did try a Vineyard church here, but it was just a little too small for us. The second church we attended was Christ Church - ICT. I will be honest, it wasn’t love at first sight for me, but it was for my boys. I stuck it out for them and am so incredibly glad I did. I have had some of the most powerful moments and made some of the best friendships thanks to this amazing church. If you’re ever in the area, you’re invited to join me!


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