Book Teaser: Announcing "Crooked Paths Straight"

If you've been following me on social media then you may have caught that I am in the middle of trying to get a book published! I am holding out for a traditional publishing deal, but I am also considering other publishing options. For now, I wanted to share a little about my overall vision for "Crooked Paths Straight." The title is based on Isaiah 45:2 where God says, "I will go before you and make the crooked paths straight."

I originally set out to write my family's story about immigrating legally from Mexico to the United States back in the 1960s. From there I found myself looking back on my life and all the ways I tried to live out of alignment with God's desires for me. For example, my husband and I had our first child while we were just freshmen in college. Statistics said it was a completely unredeemable situation, but God! God made my crooked path straight then and has continued to do so my whole life. Other major catalysts in my story include the difficulties of growing up in between two cultures, seeing forgiveness at work after the loss of a childhood friend, the hustle and bustle of being an entrepreneur, and my family's return to our ancestor's roots by way of leaving the city for the farm. The book will end with my modern-day advice for topics such as marriage, parenting, homeschool, food, entrepreneurship, and faith. 

This book is for anyone who walks with the weight of past mistakes. Anyone who wants to trade shame and confusion in for hope and help. Anyone who is ready to partner with God in building a brighter future for themselves.

"Crooked Paths Straight" Intro

You might be thinking, why a book? I’m only 32 years old and I’m not an accomplished scholar or a celebrity - what ground breaking advice could I possibly have to share? Well, you will have to read the book when it's time and use your own judgement to answer that question. BUT what I will tell you now is why I write. I write to heal. I write to help. I write to inspire. My overall mission is to advise and encourage other women, especially when it comes to storytelling or accomplishing their life goals. 

It is my whole hearted belief that all women have a story to tell and that we are absolutely called by God to tell them. Not just tell them, but scream them from the mountain tops! My hope is that by putting my life story out there, even more women will join me in sharing their stories. I believe that through the ups and downs of life, one of the best sources of comfort available to us is knowing that we are not alone in our struggles.

The coolest part about storytelling in the 21st century? It is easier than ever to get your story out there. I started out as a social media professional and I now write every month right here. I have seen first hand the power of sharing your story and leading those around you from a digital space. We are no longer limited by our physical location! Can you imagine how much faster the gospel would have spread if the apostles had smartphones? Revelation 12:11 says, “they triumphed over [the devil] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” So, whatever “devil” you may be needing to triumph over in your life, I pray that somewhere in my book or on this blog, you find the encouragement you need to overcome and live the life you were meant to live. I openly invite you to learn from all the crooked paths I went down and learn to let the Lord straighten your paths!

"Crooked Paths Straight" Sample Chapter

As a special treat this month, I am offering a sample chapter of "Crooked Paths Straight." This is the same chapter that has been provided to publishers and other early supporters of this project, so I wanted you to have it too! You can access this chapter, titled "Not Our Dreams, But God's" here.

I can't wait to hear your thoughts!

XO - Olivia


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